May 21, 2020

Dear Crosswalk Family,

The Elder Board met on Tuesday evening, May 19, to discuss resuming on-site services at Crosswalk. Our goal as we reopen is to do it in the most loving, responsible, and God-glorifying way possible. As we considered when and how to reopen, we drew on several resources:

  1. Principles from Scripture

  2. The survey many of you completed

  3. Insights from the collective wisdom of many other ministry leaders

  4. Scientific studies

  5. Federal guidelines (CDC)

As we discussed reopening, we were ever mindful of the fact that although we entered this crisis together, we are not in the same place anymore. And we will not all emerge out of it at the same time or at the same pace. There are many factors contributing to this including our age, pre-existing medical conditions, regular contact with those who are more vulnerable, and more.

After considering these things, the “Lord willing” date the Board settled upon to resume on-site services is June 7. The reason the date is “Lord willing” is that this is still a very dynamic situation, and if new developments arise that would make it seem wise to further delay meeting on-site, the Board will adjust accordingly.

Part of the reason June 7 was chosen is to give adequate time to get the technology in place that will allow us to offer several options for participating in our worship services.  These options address the various needs and concerns of our body. Here is a brief summary of three different ways people will be able to participate:

  1. Continue to participate from home through Facebook Live or other livestream services

  2. Attend on-site in designated space where social distancing and other precautionary measures are taken but where the wearing of a face mask is optional.

  3. Attend on-site in designated space where social distancing and other precautionary measures are taken and where the wearing of a face mask is required.

More details will be given later about the specific precautionary measures we will be taking. We will also be communicating changes that will be made to the way we do worship during this time.

Of course, we are looking forward to the day when we can all meet together again in one location without any social distancing. But for now, the best way we can love one another is by extending grace to each other through what is a challenging time for all of us. And through it all, may our heart’s desire be to glorify our sovereign God who causes “all things to work together for the good of those who love him, of those who  are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Seeking His glory together, 
