Giving — Why, How, and How Much

WHY At Crosswalk Church, we consider our giving to be an act of worship that is just as important as praying, singing, or listening to God's Word being preached. Giving acknowledges that everything we have comes from God, and that we are simply stewards of what we have received from His hand.

HOW you give is really a personal decision. Many people give an offering during the Sunday morning service, either in the offering plate or by text giving on their phone. Others choose to set up a recurring payment from their bank. 

HOW MUCH you give is also a personal decision between you and God. Our prayer is that you “give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Ways to Give at Crosswalk

Online Giving

Online giving is hands-down the easiest way to give.

  • Click this link or select the online giving button on the homepage.

  • Enter your gift amount and your credit card or banking information.

  • If it’s your first time giving, you’ll be prompted to register before completing your gift.

  • If you’ve given before, you can enter the dollar amount you want to give without having to re-enter any of your information

Text Giving

Another easy and convenient way of giving is by text.

  • Text the word GIVE, or the desired dollar amount to 715.502.5024.

  • If it’s your first time giving, you’ll be prompted to register before completing your gift.

  • If you’ve given before, you can enter the dollar amount you want to give without having to re-enter any of your information 

Check or Cash

Place your contribution in the offering plate during the Sunday morning worship service.

Bank Bill Pay Service

Most banks offer a bill pay service that allows you to set up a scheduled, repeated payment. Simply go to your bank’s website and set up Crosswalk as a vendor. Enter the amount and frequency of the payments and the bill pay service will take care of the rest.